Thursday, August 13, 2009


The kids have had VCS this has been going very well. They all love it and have learning much about the Theotokos Gwen is very proud of herself because she has not cried-in previous years she has, and I have to come and get her.

This morning we arrived early. Add was asking his teacher about the water wars she had mentioned yesterday. She told him she likes to do them in conjunction with a trivia game. Add told her that he is really good at trivia. She agreed and then said that the wide range of knowledge he has is truly impressive. Add told her that he also likes to read the Encyclopedia of World History before bed every night.

Then, of course, she asked where he goes to school. Add and Eli replied in unison "We are homeschooled" Her eyes lit up and she said to me "THAT is the difference! I knew there was something! He isnt all bound up like the other kids his mind has been free to roam and has no limits with what he is able to learn! Wonderful, I think that is WONDERFUL!"

I was floored...I had been worried all week about his writing skills. LOL!

She is right, being homeschooled does allow a child to have a free kids pretty much decide what they want to learn and they learn it they way they as individuals do it best. Today the boys pulled out maps of the USA, and after figuring out N,S,E and W, they asked me to name off states, and they would compete to see who could find it first, and then name the capital. Pretty painless, and fun..they did it for about 20 minutes and had a blast. Then they moved on to seeing distances from a city to another city.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What an awesome story!!