Tuesday, April 28, 2009


(rediscovered this photo..kids were 5, 2 and 4..and being a band in the back of our old van)
This morning the kids tumbled out of bed, ran downstairs, and said "Can WE go OUTSIDE!?" at the top of their lungs. It was about 7:30, I was just starting on my coffee...and I said yes..please. They ran outside to play basketball. Few minutes later my 7yo came in to tell me that my 5yo daughter made her first basket EVER and he was pretty proud of her. I was too.

I settled in on the couch with a book I have been reading by the Monks of New Skete called In the Spirit of Happiness. It is a book that I read a bit, pause, think, then go back to. During one of the pauses I glanced up and looked out my living room window. In front of that window is where our little apple orchard is. The kids had grabbed an encyclopedia, and climbed up into the largest tree to look through it together. It was one of those perfect moments....that my camera battery is never charged for. The sun was peeking out...the apple trees are in full flower, the grass is such a lush green, and carpeted with white petals. It was gorgeous, and sweet, and hit home for me just how amazing being a mother is.

We also had baseball today for the boys. Gwen and I played at the playground...sometimes in the rain even. I love warm spring rains.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be divisible by 11..yay! I have a haircut first thing, then out to lunch with Mr. C and the kids. Should be a fun day. This weekend the kids will be staying with my sister. Mr. C bought tickets for us to go see Franz Ferdinand on Saturday night...and Im VERY excited! A whole date night...with no curfew! :-)

1 comment:

Ron said...

well, its past midnight so Hauoli la hanau ia oe! (happy birthday) ...

your yesterday sounds wonderful. Sometimes i find it hard to understand how you worry about your ability to teach when your kids have obviously been provided with wonderful tools and examples..i know there is much "not so great" that goes along with the spoken good but i just wanted to re-iterate how great it is that you care and are involved..anyway,..Happy B-day!